About Us

His Heart, Our Heart
Pastors Peter and Melinda Hartley believe in the region of Logan City, specifically the suburb of Yarrabilba and its people.
Peter was on staff at the Tanah Merah campus of Dunamis Church for 8 years prior to planting the first church in Yarrabilba. Holding to the Word of God, Peter and Melinda have been in ministry for over 15 years and are not only hearers but doers of the Word. Together with their twins, Zephaniah and Charlotte, they sold their home to move to Yarrabilba in February 2016 where they established and founded Dunamis Church Yarrabilba.
Being encouraged by Chapter 16 in 1 Samuel, where it describes a time when Johnathon and his armour bearer went to fight the Philistines and saw their victory: only standing only on a ‘perhaps the Lord will fight for us’, they pursed God’s calling.
In what was a new development with no buildings, Peter and Melinda started church in their home, which was short lived after they were given notice to stop for zoning purposes. Here they found themselves nowhere but a local park to have church. Only two weeks after relocating, Peter was involved in a tragic motorbike accident rendering his right dominant arm completely paralysed. Holding onto their personal convictions, Peter and Melinda pushed forward and continued through their life challenges. Five months later, the church moved into a temporary community hub, a former sales office, calling this home until January 2018.
Once again, doors were closed and Peter and Melinda found themselves without a location. Having to make do with limited resources, a way was made in the wilderness and roadways in the desert.
Every victory has a journey, and unless the journey is undertaken, the victory cannot be had.
After gathering in the Sports and Community Hub, which became available between June 2019 to June 2021, Dunamis Church now meet at Yarrabilba State Secondary College where Peter and Melinda look forward with anticipation to the progress of the Kingdom within their church, community and region.
Peter and Melinda have sown seeds of a transparent love and compassion of Jesus Christ within their community.
With their hearts for Yarrabilba, Peter and Melinda are standing with their church family as they continue to ‘do life together’.