"Thank you Dunamis Church and your team of volunteers for all the amazing work and events you do for my family and our community".
Yarrabilba Breakfast Clubs

Yarrabilba Breakfast Clubs

Dunamis Church love hosting their Breakfast Clubs at Yarrabilba State School, Yarrabilba State Secondary College, San Damiano College and the Family & Community Place.
Statistics show us 1 in 5 children arrive at school each morning without eating anything for breakfast so we are out to make a change to this percentage! We deliver around 1,000 free serves of breakfast each week!
Easter in Yarrabilba

Easter in Yarrabilba

We make sure the Easter Bunny stops each year in Yarrabilba!

Dunamis Church host its free Easter event for its community which has included face painting, hot cross buns, an Easter egg hunt, photos with the Easter Bunny, colouring in competitions, family and children activities, Easter egg basket giveaways and our famous annual carrot throw competition and its perpetual trophy!

Community Christmas Party

Community Christmas Party

Our heart is to help families who face financial hardship and/or are in a domestic violence situation.  

After listening and hearing their stories, we ensure they enjoy their Christmas by providing them with food and gifts for their children by none other than Santa himself!

Dunamis Church openly pours love into these families with no strings attached and let them know they are not alone! 


Annual Christmas Hamper Appeal

Dunamis Church started its Annual Christmas Hamper Appeal in 2015.

Residents, businesses and families within Dunamis Church come together with a purpose to provide those who are doing it financially tough throughout the Christmas season with a hamper of hope.

These hampers of food and essential items are delivered the week of Christmas to families all over Yarrabilba!

Would you like to Volunteer?

Dunamis Church have multiple groups of volunteers who are passionate, dedicated and awesome people who have fun and serve in various ways within their Yarrabilba community.

If you would like to join our team at church, in community projects or at Breakfast Clubs, please connect with us!

Our Community

Dunamis Church are always working with stakeholders, schools, community groups and businesses to collaborate on strategies, events and working on meeting the needs of its families and residents in Yarrabilba together with its surrounding suburbs.

If you have an idea or would like to partner with Dunamis Church for a community event, please connect with us.